Hello friends! Thanks to YOU, 2018 has been an absolute rocket ride for everything “Redneck Riviera!”
From the grand opening of RR Bar Nashville during CMA Fest, to RR Whiskey going from zero to 28 states in just 9 months and RR boots and Jerky being sold in all 50 states, I couldn’t be more excited to see the momentum of this brand! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting thousands of America’s finest at the bar in Nashville, and at various bottle signings around the country. It always warms my heart to see the American Pride on full display with the fans of Redneck Riviera. We speak the same language!
You have now helped fund 6 college grants to the FoldsOfHonor.org campaign, with many more coming before the end of this year. You guys and gals are making a real difference in the lives of the families of our fallen and wounded.
Thank you! I appreciate all of your support and passion for Redneck Riviera, and here’s a big “Hell Yeah!” to you and yours!